Get Your FREE iBIBLE Stickers Today
Share the iBIBLE App With Your Community With iBIBLE Stickers
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Help reach your own community with the world’s first visual and interactive Bible by receiving your FREE iBIBLE stickers. These stickers include QR codes that will lead people to a page where they can download the new iBIBLE App.
Simply select how many stickers you want to receive, and we will send them to you for FREE. When you sign up to receive your stickers, you will also have an opportunity to support the production of iBIBLE with a donation. Please prayerfully consider doing so. Your donation helps support production, distribution, and translation of iBIBLE.
Request your FREE iBIBLE Stickers
Select your requested sticker quantity below and enter a donation to help support the production and distribution of iBIBLE. Your donation helps make iBIBLE FREE to the world!
Or click here if you would like to request your iBIBLE stickers without a donation.
*All donations are tax deductible to the extent provided by law.
When the sticker QR code is scanned, people in your life can access all completed iBIBLE episodes—including all 42 episodes of iBIBLE Genesis, along with other exciting content. They can engage with interactive quizzes, discussion questions, memory verses, prayers, and more.
You can place a sticker on your own water bottle or laptop. You can bring a pile of stickers to your local coffee shop, hand them out to your neighbors as you go for your evening walk, and even bring them to your kids’ school! With each sticker, you give a new person access to the world’s first visual and interactive Bible for FREE.
*Offer available for US residents only. For international requests, please contact us.
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